This Week @ Cabana Health 🚀

2 min readFeb 15, 2021

/ a weekly publication of our team’s short-term goals

Ah, it’s nice to take a break and write a quick update on what’s going on at the company. A lot has happened since the last time I checked in, so let’s get right to the progress.

Cabana Health’s Instagram Page

V2 Launch

Our beta is officially live. It’s been exciting going through the iterations we went through, as well as stress-testing our alpha, to be finally able to get to this point. We’ve onboarded our first cohort, have been monitoring usage, and will be onboarding our second cohort (and then accelerating invites) as soon as next week.

I think we’re starting to get good at finding what works based on the feedback our users are giving us. This is a tough task. A lot of people don’t necessarily understand the difficulty that comes along with aggregating feedback from people with busy lives (and the best way to do it). You can certainly defer to usage data, but when your audience is small and you don’t have the custom tools you need to get really detailed about where the value is, you must communicate with users to uncover common themes.

As far as chatting with users goes, this is something we will do for the life of the company. However, it’s not a scalable practice. So finding good insights earlier always compounds later… and vice-versa.

A related component of adapting to feedback where we’ve improved is finding a core, simplified interface at the intersection of what we’re trying to accomplish and what our users want. Basically, building the most simple but effective version of the feature we are trying to implement. Accomplishing that was something I was terrible at during the start of Cabana, so it’s nice to see improvements in that area as we’ve progressed.

Our next user cohort will include an exciting new demographic where we can see a lot of growth — Millennials. Our current users are heavily skewed to Gen-Z right now and we’re looking forward to breaking into some Millennial circles. Every statistical inclination shows that we have our biggest audience in this demo, so we want to do everything we can to make our new Millennial Teammates happy.

There will be some cabana architecture enhancements, some design optimizations, and better networking features included in the update we push out when welcoming our next cohort — so stay tuned there!

Can’t wait to keep you updated on how that goes! When this next user cohort arrives, it will be all about maintaining momentum and building on positive experiences as we scale this company. There’s going to be a lot of new challenges, and I’m excited for them.

See you next week!

